Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blog #8

While entering a hot zone biocontainment facility, you have to go through many procedures and protections to be safe. When you first reach the building, you must enter through the main gate guarded by security. Then you go through another entrance where you must show your security badge to gain entrance. After, you go through a maze of corridors and enter the biocontainment chamber. You must strip of everything and put on a scrubs suit along with a pair of socks and three pairs of gloves. Next you put on a biohazard space suit over your scrubs suit and wear boots. In the chamber there are sticky stuff sealing cracks and holes so that the virus won't escape. Also, for further protection, the most lethal viruses are locked with padlocks and sticky tape in a freezer that is more than negative one hundred degrees.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blog #7

ElephantShoes: Hey did you hear about the infectious disease, Salmonellosis?
Pinky_Purky: oh yeahh, i heard hundreds of people got affected by it since it was in food products such as meat, eggs, milk, and more.
ElephantShoes: i know right. Apparently last year, thousands of peanut butter based products were infected with the bacteria and were recalled. :PP. 
Pinky_Purky: Omgggg i heard about that on the news last time. That sucks because..i like peanut butter :). Anyways, about like more than 600 people got affected by the products in 46 states.
ElephantShoes: wow. I saw on a website that the symptoms include nausea,vomiting,diarrhea,headache and you know how to prevent salmonella from infecting you?
Pinky_Purky: well i researched it last time after hearing about it, and food has to be thoroughly cooked to kill the bacteria. Also dont eat raw egg, milk, or meat products. Remember to wash your fruits and veggies before eating them. Freeze food immediately bc room temperature causes the bacteria to grow quickly. Lastly, be sure to wash your hands, and other objects after preparing uncooked foods.
ElephantShoes: oh wow! thanks :D gtg byee !!1!
Pinky_Purky: no problem :D, you too. byee :P

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog #6

dangerous, lethal
harming, destroying, terminating,
germ, infection, illness, pathogen,
obliterating, exterminating, injuring,
fatal, deadly,

Blog #5

An example of a good prokaryote is
 Lactobacillus Casei. It is helpful and beneficial to the human body because of it's ability to restrict the growth of harmful bacteria. It is naturally found in the mouth and intestines of the human body and is also found in raw diary products and fresh plant products. It also improves digestion,  helps control diarrhea, reduce lactose intolerance and have an anti-inflammatory effect on the gut.

An example of a harmful microorganism is Streptococcus pyogenes.  Its symptoms include strep throat, scarlet fever,  impetigo (infection of outer layers of skin), and cellulitis (infection of deeper layers of skin). It's one of the most frequent causes of diseases for humans and is estimated that about 5-15% of people that have this bacteria show no signs of diseases. It has been described as a "flesh eating bacteria" and killed many people mainly because it is the most important cause of puerperal fever.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Blog #4

Astronomers have found a planet just 20 light years away that orbits a star and has about the right conditions to sustain life. The new planet is called Gliese 581-g and revolves around the star Gliese 581, a red dwarf. It's at the right distance to have liquid water, a sufficient amount of mass to hold an atmosphere, and be able to protect liquid water on the surface. It's inner layers are rocky, like terrestrial planets. Also, the solar system revolving around Gliese 581 is  like our own solar system but smaller. It has six planets orbiting a star including a planet sitting on the outside like our planet Jupiter. Scientists are now trying to analyze the planet's atmosphere to see if they contain another key element for life, oxygen.